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Dominance Bed (i)


  • Comfort: Beds (top)
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  • dominance


  • Black & White Frame with Black, Red, White and Pink Bedding / Cage


The top part - “Master” should perfectly fit 6 “Slave” cages below.

The top works like a regular bed. All animations should align correctly with it, save for those that are on the border of the bed - because its much higher than a normal bed.

The bottom works like a limited bed. You can assign it (this time to butlers as well), sleep in it.

The bottom also has a Wicked Whims idle animation when you just want to put someone in.

Simple lock-in with very low difficulty (bottom part). Works on the stacked variant and the bar variant of the cage as well. Cycles between five idle animations on the inside.

Additional Notes:

Space for the full household of 8 sims.

4 animations included - 3 sleeping animations, 1 idle animation

Bottom cage can be stacked up to 3 levels high.

9 Large Deco Slots on top.

Latest Version: [Kritical]DominanceBed1e
Mesh Compatibility: -
Time Exclusive: Exclusiveplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThis item is currently available to my Patrons and becomes public in some time. You can check the upcoming public release schedule on the "Upcoming Public Releases" page
Support: Fullplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThis item enjoys full support and gets bugfixes and potential updates.
Required Packages: Wicked Whims, Hierarchy Bed, Dreams Of Surrender
Ingame Example: Show Me!
content/objects/dominancebed_i.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/11 15:09 by kratoc

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